Dec 28th, 2017

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  1. Guide created by masterflame11
  2. Some people want more ROBLOX followers? Well you're gonna have to do something to get your name out their. ROBLOX is pretty simple to get followers actually as they're many ROBLOX discords and ways to influence those servers and communities.
  3. 1. Get noticed by the community.
  4. It's simple. Join discord servers involved around ROBLOX, get their respect and talk to those people, they follow you. Repeat this on big servers or multiple servers. Try to get high roles in these servers and groups as well, people are more likely to follow people with a high role/rank in the community than someone with a really low rank or role. Try to influence the people in those communities/servers as well, if you are a big influence in those servers the people in the server will most likely want to help you out as well.
  5. 2. Be a creator.
  6. ROBLOX is a game about developing. It doesn't have to be games you make however. Exploit makers like the owner of RC7 to starters of big groups have many followers and they didn't even make a game, however they did make something and it paid off. You can make GFX/images for people, you can learn to script, you can build for people, you can even just test some games that people in the roblox community are making and get the developers feedback. Hell you can even just make guides like I'm doing and get followers for it. However sitting their and telling yourself 'I want to get more followers' is gonna get you no where. The best way to do so is to get involved with the community and help people making games however you can, most developers and game makers will give you credit in their games, credit = followers.
  7. 3. The Underground method.
  8. You can get famous by being roblox's next 'Boogie Man'. Buy an exploit and exploit games a lot, people follow what they want and what taunts their curiosity. TheC0mmunity did it. 1x1x1x1 did it. C00lKidd did it. You can do it too if you want too.
  9. 4. Create Videos/Content
  10. Look at many of the ROBLOX youtubers and the amount of their followers. What did they do to get those followers? Scream into a mic while playing roblox. Pretty simple, you make videos on it often like once or twice a week and people will see those videos and want to branch of your fame by following you (probably hoping for a shoutout or something).
  11. 5. Hop off other peoples fame.
  12. This is a 'last tactic' aka something you should only do if you're really desperate. If you happen to be in every single video a famous roblox youtuber makes most likely his followers will follow you too. You can do this with exploit makers and high ranked community members too.
  14. 'Free Followers On This Website'
  15. Don't ever click those websites. They just want your account. They'll ask for your roblox token or password. Don't fall for that crap.

Get Roblox Followers Free